Get Commando Title in BGMI: Battleground Mobile India is an extremely popular game and the most played battle royale game in India which is published and managed by Krafton. BGMI is the rebranded version of PUBG Mobile for the India-specific region.
BGMI has made their values in gamers’ hearts with their excellent way of representation. It offers an exciting gaming experience set in a virtual world where players from different locations can join and play on the same map.

Battleground Mobile India has excellent graphics with changeable options according to device performance and dynamic gameplay with different options for choosing battle equipment and vehicles.
BGMI has become a cultural phenomenon many events were conducted by the game provider where pro players from different locations within the Indian country of origin can compete with each other in one arena live.
BGMI has revolutionized the mobile gaming industry with the landscape and brought a jump in the competitive esports field. Content creation around this game through live YouTube streaming and other mediums increases the competition on different platforms.
Why this game BGMI is so popular and dominating in the mobile game category for various reasons such as excellent graphics and frequent updates with twists and turns.
After the update some changes happened and a new feature was added in the game. Battleground Mobile India offers different titles based on the player’s gaming profile some titles are easy to get but some are very difficult and only pro players or skilled players get these titles.
But in this article, we are going to discuss how can you achieve the most difficult titles with a little bit of strategy during your gameplay.
To win the Commando title in the BGMI game that seems to be the most valuable title to the teammates and also to the enemy in the battlefield. Follow this detailed guide on how can you achieve a commando title easily with easy steps.
What Exactly Commando Title In BGMI
One of the toughest titles to achieve in comparison to other titles in BGMI it requires high performance gaming profile. To build your gaming profile you need to play Battleground Mobile India with peace of mind, patience, and strategy to get commando title in BGMI.
As your gaming progress goes higher you will receive a commando title whose appearance is like a golden color. Read below as we are stepping closer to the conclusion of how to get commando title in BGMI.
- First, you must qualify for the basic tier to be eligible to get the commando title which is receiving the platinum tier.
- Commando titles are given to the players who play solo and complete tasks because this defines player skills when comes to one vs squad in the game.
- The most challenging part is player has to win 50 solo matches without using a vest, helmet, or backpack.
Some Tips On How To Get Commando Title in BGMI
Some useful tips on how to get a commando title in BGMI that you must follow to complete all the tasks that make it easy to receive a commando title that reflects your gaming skill when comes to competing with pro squads.
- You should be very careful, try to play slowly, and don’t rush everywhere because you have to win 50 solo matches.
- To complete this task without a helmet, vest, and backpacks you need to turn off the auto pick-up option. We will discuss this tip so it’s easy for you to turn it off without searching anywhere and without wasting time.
- When the game starts and during the time of jump you should choose the place where players don’t come or very few players like Zharki.
- You must hide most of the time because it’s not good to battle during this rank-push match. After all, this can slow down your progress.
- Be careful during the looting you collect only the required equipment because you don’t have the the backpacks and vests that can hold extra to use during the battle.
- Keep yourself hidden from the battle area and during your movement, if you hear sound be sure to move out of that zone.
- You enter the next zone before the play zone starts. Because it is dangerous for you to wait until the end.
- Enter the zones when the zone gets smaller by the time because this will help you to stay in the game and you don’t want to enter directly in the last zone and move out from the game.
- In the last zone find the enemy and finish out by keeping yourself hidden because the mission is marked as completed when you win the match.
How To Turn Off Auto Pick Ups
We have discussed above we need to turn off the auto pick-up so that the character doesn’t automatically pick up the vest, helmet, and backpack. There are so many titles in Battleground Mobile India that you can earn easily or by playing with a squad in a rush because during the gameplay missions get completed automatically that helo to get commando title in BGMI.
To get this commando title you have to win 50 solo matches and that’s why it’s mandatory to turn auto picks off. If you want to achieve the commando title and you do not know how can you turn off the auto pick we are discussing step by step how to turn if off successfully which is going to help in gameplay.
Step 1: You need to run or open the Battleground Mobile India game on your mobile (Android/iOS)
Step 2: Click on the up arrow that you see on the home screen of the game.
Step 3:ย When you click on the many options you will have many different options from which you have to click on the setting option.
Step 4:ย When you enter the setting you have to click on pick up option at the bottom right corner
Step 5:ย When you click on the pick-up option you will see three options which are Basic, Advanced, and Metro Royale but you have to click on the Basic option.
Step 6:ย From the basic option you have to switch off the auto pick option and disable it.
Step 7:ย After that, you have to take down the pickup limit a little by scrolling down in the same settings.
Step 8:ย Reduce the pickup limit to zero for each option.
Step 9:ย When you make these settings changes and when you play the solo matches in BGMI character does not automatically pick up anything i.e. helmet, vest, and backpack along with health kits, bandages, energy drinks, painkillers, and adrenaline.
Following all the steps mentioned in the above article can help to achieve a commando title in BGMI easily. Follow the all steps and tips carefully so that the progress to get commando title in BGMI achievement can be easy.